S L A M is oozing sludge, unfired mud, and transmutable. It’s nourishing. A bang, a blast and sensation, nurturing the ceramic landscape.
Annika Enqvist, Karin Auran Frankenstein and Moa Lönn work collectively in artistic processes, curatorial projects and networks within the expanded field of contemporary art and crafts, which includes experimental ceramics. Their work reflects a relationship with the earthly matter, clay, which reflects stories of man's use of land, industry, craft, energy and spirituality.
In practice-based projects, collaborations, Fieldstations, residencies, open studios, films, seminars and exhibitions, S L A M provides new perspectives on contemporary art and craft, since 2017.
S L A M is currently arranging Fieldstation 2022 – a residency program and process based exhibition as open studios at Ifö Center Konsthall Lerlagret, in collaboration with Ifö Center, Bromölla.
S L A M develops and builds networks and exchange of knowledge within the expanded field of contemporary art and crafts fields, as an art collective and a curatorial group . The focus is experimental site-specific work created in the meeting and the exchange of knowledge with the site and with peers in different contexts. The work as well as the networking is self-initiated, self-organized and artist driven. S L A M’s work springs from and interest in capturing, exploring and further develop the possibilities of expanded clay practices; in performances and collective actions, in up-scaling works, creating resonance in built structures, such as large-scale spatial installations, architecture and urban planning, and also in relation to ecological perspectives and its links to conceptual art, such as the Body Art and Land Art movement.
Selected projects by S L A M
Fieldstation 2022, artists-in-residency, process-based exhibition and open studios, Ifö Center Konsthall, Lerlagret Bromölla, Shared Kneads while Clay speaks, interactive performance with raw clay from the island Ivön in Dig where you stand, Malmö konstmuseum 2022, When Clay Speaks/När leran talar, video 2021, I am Clay/Jag är lera, co-creativity performance at Sörmlands museum Nov 2021, Sediment, spatial installation at Sörmlands museum May–Nov 2021, Fieldstation 2019, artists-in-residency and collective workshop, Oct 2019 Ifö Center Bromölla, Beyond the Object, curated group exhibition and residency, Uppsala Konstmuseum May–Sep 2018.
S L A M acknowledges and credits our co-founder and member Henny Linn Kjellberg during the years 2017-2022.
FIELDSTATION 2022 is organized on the initiative of S L A M as curators in collaboration with Ifö Center. It is supported by the Swedish Arts Grants Committée, the Swedish Arts Council , the Nordic Culture Fund, Region Skånes Utvecklingsstöd, Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse, Nämnden för Hemslöjdsfrågor and Estrid Ericsons Stiftelse.