Ett endagsseminarium som riktar sig främst till yrkesverksamma inom det keramiska fältet. Medverkande: utställningens konstnärer och curatorer samt ett antal inbjudna tvärdisciplinära föreläsare, som Clare Twomey, konstnär, forskare och curator från Storbritannien. Hon arbetar med storskaliga lerinstallationer som utgår från de sociala och historiska sammanhang som verken blir till i. Twomey är även aktiv inom fältet kritiska studier av konsthantverk vid University of Westminster. Pheobe Cummings, konstnär från Storbritannien som arbetar med efemära och performativa verk i obränd lera, Magnus Hellqvist, kvartärgeolog, Matilda Haggärde, konstnär som i performance ofta innesluter sig själv i lera. Haggärde har även arbetat som lermästare vid Göteborgsoperan där hon kombinerat lera och koreografi. Dessutom framförs två performanceverk, Koreografi för föremål av konstnär Matilda Haritz Svenson & akrobat Signe Veinholt och Her porcelain chapel av konstnär Christin Johansson. Filmen Känslan av att leran ligger fast av konstnär Pernilla Norrman presenteras också som en del av seminariedagen. Filmvisningar och guidade visningar av utställningen hålls löpande under dagen.
Anmälningsavgift 150 kronor, fri entré för studenter.
The Seminar Beyond the Object
3 June 2018 10.00 am–5.00 pm
Welcome to the peer-to-peer-based seminar Beyond the Object, which offers presentations, performances and film screenings as well as artist talks in the exhibition and an interdisciplinary conversation, all by international, Nordic and Sweden-based artists, curators and researchers with clay-based practices at Uppsala Art Museum.
Clare Twomey (UK), researcher, curator and renowned artist recognised for her large-scale, site specific installations, Phoebe Cummings (UK) who comes from a younger generation artists working with ephemeral raw clay still-life, the nine artists and three curators of the exhibition, as well as invited guests, such as artist and clay master Matilda Haggärde (SE) and PhD in Quaternary Geology Magnus Hellqvist (SE).
Two live performances will be carried out, one by artist Matilda Haritz Svenson & acrobat Signe Veinholt (SE) who will enact the piece Koreografi för föremål/Choreography for Objects together and artist Christin Johansson (SE/DK) performs the piece Her Porcelain Chapel in serenity parallel to the entire event. A presentation of the film Känslan av att leran ligger fast/I rely on the clay being solid by artist Pernilla Norrman (SE) is also part of the day and describes her relation to the red clay from a small abandoned brickyard which Norrman digs up and uses directly from the ground. The clay reflects the brickyard heritage in the region.
Pre-registrations are accepted until 2 juni by email to: Limited seats, a first come, first serve principle is applied. A 150 SEK fee is charged on site, students attend free of charge. There are trains and buses running to Uppsala from Stockholm and surroundings, and also from towns like Gävle, and the region of Dalarna that run on Sunday morning in time for the seminar. If you travel from an another Nordic country or further, we do recommend you travelling the day before to make sure to be on time for the seminar and to enjoy the opening of the exhibition Beyond the Object, which has its opening on June 2 at 12.00–16.00 at Uppsala Art Museum, and the museum is open to midnight on this very day.
We would love to see you there!
Concept, initiative and organisation: S L A M Curators: Annika Enqvist, Henny Linn Kjellberg, Moa Lönn (SE).
Beyond the Object – The Seminar Programme
09.30 am
Arrival, registration, coffee and a possibility to visit the exhibition and to experience the performance Her Porcelain Chapel by Christin Johansson, drop-in or book a slot – ongoing all day as a parallel session.
10.10 am
Welcome address and introduction by S L A M / Annika Enqvist, Henny Linn Kjellberg, Moa Lönn (SE)and Daniel Werkmäster, museum director.
10.30 am
A conversation based around the underworlds with artist Erna E Skúladóttir (IS), artist Ivana Králíková (SE) and Quaternary Geologist Magnus Hedqvist (SE).
11.00 am
Phoebe Cummings (UK) on Material Performance exploring her ongoing practice with raw clay, considering how ephemeral objects exist in relation to collections and the museum.
Koreografi för föremål/Choreography for Objects – live performance by artist Matilda Haritz Svenson & acrobat Signe Veinholt (SE) in the seminar hall Vasasalen.
12.15–1.30 pm LUNCH BREAK
1.35–2.15 pm
Artist talks in the exhibition: Hedvig Winge (NO), Martin Woll Godal (NO), Ane Fabricius Christiansen (DK), Christin Johansson (DK), Ivana Králíková (SE), Matilda Haritz Svenson (SE), Hanne Mago Wiklund (SE), Pauliina Pöllänen (FI), Erna E Skúladóttir (IS).
2.25–3.00 pm
Artist Matilda Haggärde (SE) on her performative practice and work as Clay Master at the Opera House in Göteborg.
3.00–3.20 pm PAUSE & COFFEE
3.25 pm
Artist and curator Clare Twomey (UK) on Making Production – Clay, Craft and the Expanded Field Research.
4.15 pm
Ceramic Artist Pernilla Norrman (SE) introduces her film Känslan av att leran ligger fast/ I rely on the clay being solid about her relation to the red clay from a small abandoned brickyard. Followed by a screening of the film.
4.40–4.55 pm
Conclusion by the curatorial team
S L A M / Annika Enqvist, Henny Linn Kjellberg, Moa Lönn (SE).
NAME: Ane Fabricius Christiansen
BORN: 1978 Vandel, Denmark
LIVES: Kolding, Denmark
EDUCATION: 2006 Design School Kolding, Denmark, 2004 Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Norway.
EDUCATION: MA in Ceramics & Glass at the Royal College of Art in 2005, First Class BA (Hons) Three-Dimensional Crafts, University of Brighton, Brighton 2002.
PROFESSION/TITLE: Artist and Research Associate, University of Westminster
BORN: 1975, Stockholm, SwedenLIVES: Stockholm, Sweden
EDUCATION: 2009 Master of Arts in Curatorial Practice and Critical Writing, University of Arts, Crafts and Design Konstfack, Stockholm, Cultural Science Programme at Stockholm University with Art Theory, Art History, Philosophy and Communication.
PROFESSION/TITLE: Curator, Educator and Head of Public Programmes at the Public Art Agency Sweden. Curator and co-founder of The New Beauty Council 2007–18, curator and project manager Iaspis 2010–18, curator and producer Svensk Form 1999–2007
EDUCATION: Academy of Design and Crafts (HDK), Göteborg
PROFESSION/TITLE: Artist, Educator, Clay Master at Göteborgsoperan, and Doula. Haggärde is working in different materials and collaborations. One theme is present at all times – the human body.
NAME: Magnus Hellqvist
BORN: 1964, Stockholm, Sweden
LIVES: Vittinge, Heby, Sweden
EDUCATION: Philosophy Doctor, in Quaternary geology 1999, Institute of Earth Science, Uppsala university. Postdoctoral Grant Situated at National museum of Iceland in Reykjavik 2000–01. Bachelor in archaeology and Earth Science,1992.
PROFESSION/TITLE: Present environmental consultant at Geoveta, with a background in quaternary geology, archeology and geography. Hellqvist researches landscape development, human influences of the landscape, and environmental development. Previous educator for 25 years as senior lecturer in Earth science, Institution of Earth Science, Uppsala University and in Physical geography at Högskolan Dalarna.
EDUCATION: 2009 MFA University of Arts, Crafts and Design Konstfack, Stockholm, Ceramic and Glass. 2000 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Danish Design School Bornholm, ceramics.
EDUCATION: 2008 Konstfack, Stockholm, Sweden Ceramic and Glass, exchange student, 2008–10 Konstfack, Stockholm, Ceramic and Glass, MFA, 2013–14 The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, Sweden.
EDUCATION: Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design Konstfack, Stockholm and Academy of Design and Crafts (HDK), Göteborg, Ceramic Capellagården, 1999–01, BA Cultural & Social Sciences, Media Studies 1991–96, Högskolan Växjö, Lund University, Umeå University.
EDUCATION: BA (Hons) Ceramics, Edinburgh College of Art 1991, MA Ceramics and Glass, The Royal College of Art 1994.PROFESSION/TITLE: Artist, Researcher, and Curator. Twomey is the Lead Artist for the Tate Modern project Tate Exchange 2018. Through this role Twomey has interrogated modes of production in participatory practice and live works.
PROFESSION/TITLE: Performer, Actor, and Acrobat. Circus discipline: Hand to hand (flyer in hand to hand).
NAME: Hanne Mago Wiklund
BORN: 1981 Dalarna, Sweden
LIVES: Stockholm, Sweden
EDUCATION: 2007–08 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design, Denmark, 2008–11, BFA Konstfack, Ceramic & Glass, Sweden, 2011–13 MFA. Konstfack, Ceramic & Glass. Sweden.
The exhibition and seminar Beyond the Object were made possible with generous support by: Kulturnämnden Uppsala kommun, Kulturrådet Sverige, Nordisk kulturfond/HANDMADE, Längmanska kulturfonden, Iaspis – Konstnärsnämndens internationella program, Estrid Ericsons Stiftelse, Region Uppsala, NKF – Nordiska konstförbundet, Geoveta AB, Bergen Kommune, City of Bergen – Norske Billedkunstnere, Norwegian Visual Artists Remuneration Fund, Frame Contemporary Art Finland, Kulturrådet Norge/Arts Council Norway, Utrikesdepartementet Norge/Norwegian Crafts.
FIELDSTATION 2022 is organized on the initiative of S L A M as curators in collaboration with Ifö Center. It is supported by the Swedish Arts Grants Committée, the Swedish Arts Council , the Nordic Culture Fund, Region Skånes Utvecklingsstöd, Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse, Nämnden för Hemslöjdsfrågor and Estrid Ericsons Stiftelse.